May 23, 2008

Watch the full-length-video of monday evening, 05/19/2008 - The Great Healing Revival with Todd Bentley in Lakeland, Florida

If the clip doesn´t start instantly please wait a little bit - the server of needs his time (too many visitors)

Part 1 - May 19th 2008

Part 2 - May 19th 2008

Part 3 - May 19th 2008

Part 4 - May 19th 2008

Part 5 - May 19th 2008

Part 6 - May 19th 2008

Watch the full-length-video of sunday evening, 05/18/2008 - The Great Healing Revival with Todd Bentley in Lakeland, Florida

If the clips don´t start instantly please wait a little bit - the server of needs his time (too many visitors)

Part 1 - May 18th 2008

Part 2 (Mainpart) - May 18th 2008

Watch the full-length-video of saturday evening, 05/17/2008 - The Great Healing Revival with Todd Bentley in Lakeland, Florida

If the clips don´t start instantly please wait a little bit - the server of needs his time (too many visitors)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

May 8, 2008

The media starts reporting about the healing revival in Lakeland - CBN-Video and Report of CBN News

Lakeland Revival Miracle Healings Continue By Paul Strand CBN News Sr. Washington Correspondent May 7, 2008

Video of Wednesday Evening, May 7. 2008 - The Great Healing Revival with Todd Bentley in Lakeland, Florida

Important: if the clip doesn´t start instantly please wait a little bit - the server of needs his time (too much visitors).

Day 14 of Holy Spirit Breakout at Rick Joyner´s MorningStar Fellowship in Fort Mill, South Carolyna

Students from the MorningStar School of Ministry (MSM) encountered a whirlwind in the main sanctuary during a Ministry Training Session with Robin McMillan and Steve Thompson. Healings, salvations, and moves of power continued through the evening.
Watch the Video of Day 14 (5/6/2008, 4 min, if the clip doesn´t start instantly please wait a little bit - the server needs his time)

This outpouring started with two students of Morningstar who went to the revival with Todd Bentley at
lakeland - catched the fire and give it away at home at MorningStar Fellowship, Fort Mill, South Carolyna

List with all videos of the Holy Spirit Breakout at MorningStar Fellowship in Fort Mill, South Carolyna

May 7, 2008

Video of Tuesday Evening, May 6th 2008 - The Great Healing Revival with Todd Bentley in Lakeland, Florida

The Lakeland Revival is spreading - Holy Spirit Breakout at Rick Joyner´s MorningstarMinistries in Fort Mill, South Carolina

They write on their website:

"The Lord visited us here at Heritage International Ministries on Wednesday, April 23rd, during a Bible Class in our CSCL day school, which then blew up into a 12-hour Holy Spirit break out!
Kids, teachers, staff, parents, and students all were impacted by the presence of God in various ways - healing, deliverance, joy, mind and was powerful and it has continued!"

Watch all the videos of the Holy Spirit Breakout at the Base of Rick Joyner´s MorningstarMinistries in Fort Mill, South Carolina:
List with all video clips of the Outpouring at MorningStar Ministries

Best-of-Video of the first week of the outpouring at MorningstarMinistries

Photo Gallery of the outpouring at MorningstarMinistries

May 5, 2008

Evening-videos of friday till sunday have not been uploaded to ingnitedchurch´s ustream-account

I wonder why - but there are no videos of the revival-evenings of the weekend on
At these evenings the revival meetings were hold in the Joker Marchant Stadium - Lakeland´s baseball stadium with a capacity of 9,000 seats. It was packed and the presence of god was strong in this place. I´ve seen it live on Paul Cain and Jim Goll showed up and prophecied - many healing miracles took place - it was great.

I tried to record the webstream with VLC-Media-Player but it didn´t work. Is there anybody how has recorded the Can you please upload it at google-video and send me the links so that i can embed them? Would be great!
Google-Video is the best place in this case because they have no limitation in length and size of the clips. File-types: .wma, .avi, .mov, .mpg, .rm

If you see here blue windows instead of videos - please install or update your flashplayer:

Download Adobe Flash Player

May 4, 2008

Patricia King tells her experiences at the Florida Healing Revival in Lakeland

Video of thursday evening, 01.05.2008 - The Great Healing Revival with Todd Bentley in Lakeland, Florida broadcasts live or recorded versions via TV (Sat/Cable) and via webstream:
Florida Healing outpouring live on with Todd Bentley

Watch now:
On the webstream of you can choose between these three channels: USA, UK and World. On all three webstream-channels the revival is broadcasted - on several times. For better quality (medium or high) you should login on

Live-webstream via at 10:00 am and at 07:00 pm [eastern standard time]:

Video of wednesday evening, 30.04.2008 - The Great Healing Revival with Todd Bentley in Lakeland, Florida broadcasts live or recorded versions via TV (Sat/Cable) and via webstream:
Florida Healing outpouring live on with Todd Bentley

Watch now: On the webstream of you can choose between these three channels: USA, UK and World. On all three webstream-channels the revival is broadcasted - on several times. For better quality (medium or high) you should login on

Live-webstream via at 10:00 am and at 07:00 pm [eastern standard time]:

May 3, 2008

Video of tuesday evening, 29.04.2008 - The Great Healing Revival with Todd Bentley in Lakeland, Florida broadcasts live or recorded versions via TV (Sat/Cable) and via webstream:
Florida Healing outpouring live on with Todd Bentley

Watch now:

On the webstream of you can choose between these three channels: USA, UK and World. On all three webstream-channels the revival is broadcasted - on several times. For better quality (medium or high) you should login on

Live-webstream via at 10:00 am and at 07:00 pm [eastern standard time]: